Access to Galo's Minerals

Mining experts worldwide agree that Tanzania boasts a wealth of natural minerals that are both abundant and exceptionally suited for mining. From the shimmering gold reserves of Lake Victoria to the vast deposits of diamonds, tanzanite, gemstones, uranium, coal, and the list goes on, the Nation's geological landscape is a treasure trove waiting to be unearthed.

The country's rich mineral endowment, combined with favorable geological conditions and a mining-friendly regulatory environment, make Tanzania a prime destination for investors and a significant player in the global mining industry.

Galo Capital take pride in our expertise in Tanzanian natural minerals and our seamless business model that paves the way to deliver success to international mining-sector companies. Following are the specific minerals which make up our principle focus:

  • Gold:
    Unearth the brilliance of Tanzania's golden treasures with Galo Capital. Our proven track record in locating and securing prime mining grounds ensures a prosperous partnership in this precious metal's extraction.

  • Uranium:
    At Galo Capital, we harness the power of Tanzania's uranium reserves responsibly and sustainably. With our skilled geologists and robust partnerships, we facilitate the development of this vital energy source for a brighter future.

  • Nickel:
    As the demand for nickel soars, Galo Capital provides a strategic gateway to Tanzania's nickel deposits. Join us in unlocking the potential of this essential metal in various industries worldwide.

  • Lithium:
    Embrace the electric revolution with Galo Capital's access to Tanzania's lithium reserves. Our meticulous evaluation and collaboration with the Ministry of Minerals secure a smooth path for mining this indispensable component of modern batteries.

  • Coal:
    Galo Capital is committed to responsibly harnessing Tanzania's coal resources. With a keen eye on environmental sustainability, we offer a gateway to a reliable and abundant energy source.

  • Limestone:
    Building the foundation of development, Galo Capital brings forth Tanzania's limestone riches. As an essential component in construction and industry, our meticulous approach ensures a prosperous future for limestone mining ventures.

Tanzania is blessed with more than a fair share of resources where extraction has been central to the country’s economic growth. Mining is a leading sector and its value has been increasing each and every year, with gold being a critical resource and the country’s most valuable export.

Since taking over the Presidency in April 2021, our 6th Phase Leader, President Samia Suluhu Hassan, has been recognized as a ‘lighthouse’ across East Africa, also being pro-active in the mining, energy and resources sectors, encouraging improved partnerships with mining companies, as well as inspiring her Ministries to productively execute agreements and collaborations with multi-national corporations and with local Tanzanian entrepreneurs.